Tuesday, March 11, 2008


I have come to love my facultad here at Madrid's lovely Universidad Complutense. Here are some cool things about the Political Science/Sociology Building: Out of all of the buildings on campus, my facultad (building) is the only one in which, despite the "Prohibido de Fumar" signs every 5 meters, the entire building is hazy with cigarette/hash smoke, as these students don't believe clean air is really that necessary; out of all the people at complutense, the students en my facultad are the ones with the most piercings, the weirdest (don't give a damn) clothes, the most dreadlocks, and the most mullets; my facultad is in the part of campus about a 20 minute bus-ride away from the main, large campus, and this is because during the Franco era the students in my facultad (along with a couple others on this far away campus) were the ones staging the protests against Franco. Therefore he moved them far away so they wouldn't be a bother.

I am proud to call myself an Anthropology student, thus a student in the Ciencias Politicas y SociologĂ­a building. :) we rock!

Climbing in the mountains was amazing. It was a beautiful day (as it is today and will continue to be... yay spring!) and Roberto and I were the only non-czechs in the bunch. but we did grab a beer in the pueblo at the bottom of the mountain, and beer lead to conversation which lead to politics and we had some great discussions about our respective countries (Italy, Czech Republic, U.S.). i feel like everyone here, at least that i've met, is really aware of what's going on not only in at their home but also really educated and stay up-to-date on the goings-on EVERYWHERE! it makes for great, opinionated, many-sided discussions.

my czech friends (in that same conversation) told us that the English head over to the Czech Republic on the weekends to binge drink (because the beer is a pint for 1 euro). they just get sloppy drunk and then go home on sunday. HA!... they don't think it's very funny.

my parents are coming to spain on sunday! booyah!

then the week after that i'm going to Italy!! Roberto's going to teach me how to drive his stick shift. :-D

Happy Trails

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