Thursday, February 28, 2008


a birthday present. this dog is almost as big as i am. we spoon every night. :)

and remember that post from before?? cassidy got me the soundtrack. of course she did. love love.

i picked two classes so far: cognitive anthropology and urban anthropology. here we go again...

72 degrees this sunday. mountains here i come! i can't wait to hang out with my nerdy czech friend, Honza, again! :-D

counting down the days until italy...

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Mi Obsesión

My Current Obsession.
Cuba. and the people in it. This is from the Movie "Habana Blues". Check it out.

Lyrics and (rough) Translation:

Hoy, miro a través de ti, las calles de mi habana
Tu tristeza y tu dolor, reflejan sus fachadas,
Es tu alma y soledad, la voz, la voz de esta nación
Solos tu y yo, en la ciudad dormida
Solos tu y yo, besando las heridas
Hay habana
Cada vez te olvidabas más de ti, para apoyar mis sueños
Pero sé que lastimé tu corazon, jugando con tus
Fue la luz, esa que robé dejando a oscuras tus deseos, eh, eh
Solos tú y yo, en la ciudad dormida
Solos tú y yo, besando sus heridas
Y tengo que dejarte ir, poniendo el mar entre los dos
Pagando el precio de otros que viven de la
Otra familia que quedó marcada por la separación
Como luchar, con ese sol con la política y con dios

Today, I look through you, the streets of my Havana
Your sadness and your pain, reflected in its facades
It's your soul and your solitude, the voice, the voice of this tired nation

Alone you and I, in this sleeping city
Alone you and i, kissing it's wounds

Every time forgetting yourself to support my dreams
But I know I hurt your heart, Playing with your feelings
It was the light, that which I stole from you, leaving your dreams in darkness

Alone you and I, in this sleeping city
Alone you and i, kissing it's wounds

And i have to let you leave, putting the sea between the two of us
Paying the price of others that live in contradiction
Another family marked by separation
Like fighting, with that sun and that policy and with God.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Study Buddies

Last trabajos for this semester! these are my faithful study buddies who always keep me company: Señor Vela, Señora Coke Light, and Cavallino. Cavallino had a clever, but obscure Italian name (as it was given to me by my Italian friend when i was having a sore day), but it was obscure enough that after a week i've forgotten it.
soon to join my study buddies and i: Abuelito Café Europeano. Por Supuesto!

i think all this staying up late is making me delirious.

de-lir-i-ous |diˈli(ə)rēəs|
•in an acutely disturbed state of mind resulting from illness or intoxication and characterized by restlessness, illusions, and incoherence of thought and speech.
• in a state of wild excitement or ecstasy : there was a great roar from the delirious crowd.
i prefer the feeling of the second definition, but you take what you can get. :)

give someone a hug today! hugs are glorious.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Pre-Lent Prep.

i learned something new about spanish culture. apparently in the few days before Lent, the spanish people go CRRAAZY because they won't be able to for forty days. so it appears to me, they have 5 days of continuous sinning in preparation for the holiness they have to endure during the Lent season. they host a number of ongoing parties and they dress up crazily (i met some spanish cowboys and indians last night. that was a trip) and they drink and the whole lot (granted, the first night is the most intense, but it really does last longer than that). i thought Mardi Gras was nuts, but they devote 5 days to mardi gras-type activity.

meanwhile, but not consequently, i've had an excruciating headache for the last few days, for which i've been unable to find a cause or a cure. blood vessels have actually burst in my left eye, so that it looks like my eyes are bleeding. then cassidy and i started talking about The Lost Boys (80s vampire movie) and just talking about it made me feel more like a bad-ace vampire with bloody eyes than a crazy woman having an unending stroke. Thanks cass.

Superbowl tonight! Go Giants! i'm exciting to explain american football to all my international friends tonight. we're hitting up an irish pub at midnight to go be some crazy american football fans for a couple hours. i love my friends. :)

happy sabbath erbody.