Monday, June 2, 2008

Can't Study (?)...

So here in Spain it is 12:16 a.m. and i have an oral exam tomorrow about Processes of Social Change. The class is extremely difficult (for the spaniards too!), so i'm having trouble getting myself motivated to study...

I'm waiting for the sun to come back out... maybe tomorrow? sick of all cloudy-rain-tease weather! silly deserts.

Cassidy introduced me to a new artist, named Laura Marling, after she went to a concert with the bf. (a concert of who? i don't remember... Laura is grrreat!) Here is a clip. i think she has a beautiful voice, and in some of her songs i'm getting a french-esk-type-of-music feeling. Hope you like her as much as i do! thanks cassafrass.

And here's a picture of the island i'm going to with Rocco. :)

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